
Fill out our new patient paperwork online or in office. You will get an email and text with the link.

Exam: Our advanced technology pinpoints the root cause of your health concerns by assessing your nervous system and spinal muscles. A specialized neurological exam for neuropathy patients determines candidacy, enabling us to start effective care and healing.

When you arrive, we will take you on an office tour and let you see everything we do.

X-Rays: We believe in clarity over guesswork. That's why we use on-site digital chiropractic postural and specialized stress x-rays to assess your spinal structure accurately, ensuring you receive the safest and most effective care possible.


During your consultation we will discuss your health concerns and goals, as well as your health history.

After your visit, Dr. Chase will review your exam findings and x-rays to create a personalized correction plan. For neuropathy patients, he will assess your case and exam results to design a tailored care program if you’re a good candidate for treatment.
At your next visit, we encourage you to bring a spouse or loved one. You’ll receive the detailed report of Dr. Chase’s findings, including your assessment, x-ray analysis, correction plan, and payment options, followed by your first adjustment. Neuropathy patients will review sensory and thermography findings, candidacy for care, plan details, and receive their first treatment.